Because his expertise with cutting-edge technology and passion for community can design a more beautiful tomorrow. 

As the director of open space and planning for a nonprofit in Cleveland, 安德鲁·德鲁·萨金特, TYL的16, fuses his talents for outdoor design with the altruistic principles instilled in him at 威尼斯赌场网站 by crafting aesthetically pleasing landscapes that are accessible to all.  




“Everyone deserves good design, not just people who can pay top dollar for it. The folks who need it the most live in underserved, divested areas.”

改变世界从这里开始. 注册获取更多关于邓波儿的信息.


Born in Jamaica, Sargeant was raised, from the age of 6, in Englewood, New Jersey. His AP environmental science teacher inspired him to blend his passions for the built world and the environment with landscape architecture. 从罗格斯大学转学后, Sargeant—supported by four scholarships—split time between Temple’s Main Campus and the Ambler Campus and its 187-acre arboretum. 

”“漫步者”, the professors did a great job of preparing us for careers after graduation, with plenty of hands-on design experiences that gave everyone a strong foundation with both plant material and how it all gets built,他说. 

Sargeant served as president of the Landscape Architecture and Horticulture Association at Ambler. His real-word experiences included helping build an award-winning exhibit at the renowned 费城 Flower Show and designing trails and other features to revitalize the abandoned Mount Moriah Cemetery in Southwest 费城. 

During a study abroad trip to Rome, he helped design the landscape around a soccer stadium. He particularly credits Professor of Landscape Architecture Lolly Tai: “She really influenced me as a person, 设计师兼学生,他说. “She pushes you to go beyond your threshold and brings out your best work." 


As the 2018 recipient of the Landscape Architecture Foundation Fellowship for Innovation and 领导, and the co-chair of the ASLA Digital Technology 专业 Practice Network, Sargeant is recognized for his use of state-of-the-art technologies—including virtual reality, 3D CAD and LiDAR lasers—that enable him to simulate and quickly revise designs. 

“科技让我们更诚实, 与客户和施工经理进行关键的对话, 提高对我们建议的信心, 作为一个年轻的从业者, 提高我的可信度,中士说. 


毕业后, 中士在奥林工作了三年, 总部位于费城的国际景观设计公司. 然后, 他在奥斯汀的一家设计公司工作了一年半, 德州, he was awarded a three-year fellowship from the Enterprise Foundation to work with Cleveland Neighborhood Progress—a nonprofit community developer dedicated to the equitable revitalization of Cleveland’s neighborhoods—where he now works full time. 

His proudest project to date has been launching the ongoing restoration of Cleveland’s historic Sidaway Bridge and the surrounding green space. Unusable since its planks were burnt in 1966 to keep Black children out of a white elementary school, the massive trestle bridge was listed last fall on the National Register of Historic Places. 

“这座桥是种族主义的生动表现,”萨金特说. “尽管紧张局势仍然存在, we’re using these stories and landscapes as tools of connection and healing.” 

只有2%的景观设计师是黑人. Sargeant is a member of the Black Landscape Architects Network, which is working to change that. "Me being a face for landscape architecture is also doing that work. 最终, I want to start my own practice and employ more Black people in a growing, 忙碌的实践,做改变生活的工作.”


天普学院的教育是以职业为中心的. 在课堂上与现实世界的客户打交道, to learning from leading industry experts and taking on internships and other opportunities across 费城, all students have the chance to gain important professional experience and develop the tools necessary to pursue their passion-turned-career.